A couple more jokes

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In case you need a chuckle on this fine morning, here are a couple baseball jokes I came across to get you going! The second one strikes me as an actual, real-life story, which makes it all the more amusing.


A man is trapped in a house without windows, doors, or any other way of exiting. The house is on fire and has started to collapse, and the man has only a baseball and a bat. How does he get out? He swings at the air three times because in baseball it is one, two, three strikes and you’re out at the ol’ ball game!


On a spring break trip to Italy, my friends and I were standing just inside St. Peter’s Basilica, the second largest church in the world.

The tour guide explained, “This church is so large that no man on earth could hit a baseball from one end to the other, not Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, or even Mark McGwire.”

My group stared in silence at the beautiful marble sculptures, intricate paintings, and glorious mosaics all around the enormous building.

Then one girl interrupted the silence with an astonished question: “You mean, they actually let them hit baseballs in here?”

2 thoughts on “A couple more jokes

  1. Was the pun in your second sentence intentional? Am I the only one trying to figure out how the guy got IN the house to begin with?

    1. The pun was not intentional, though once I noticed it, I thought it’d be a laugh to leave it in. 😉 As for the man in the house, I figured he was some poor Sim whose creator did this to him on purpose just for the sake of entertainment. 😀

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